
Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Shopping perlu diteruskan..

-lifeblog- Every time I withdraw duit, mesti hari itu pun habis semua jugak. Semalam, tukar Singaporean dollar, dapat bout 300ringgit. Habis semua kat OU. Hari ni tukar 10,000yen dapat bout 292ringgit sahaja pun habis semua dekat jalan TAR. Books, telekung, tudung, shoes.. in just about 3 hours. Parking pun sangat mahal kayh.. 9ringgit kena! Tapi kerana saya telah shopping dgn happynyer.. hehe.. =o) gumbira sahaja.. Tomorrow would be the first day of school for my siblings. Its almost midnight, but they're not sleeping yet. Keep on fighting with each other. Sheshh! Esok nak buat pedicure, then pgi tgk movie kut. But im not sure who to go out with, since i dgn gatal tangannya telah mengajak 2 orang ke 2 tempat yg berbeza.. nguang2.. n 2moro pun nk keluar main squasy. yay!

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