
Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Sujuk's Coming!

Great. Just great! I went to class late. not 3mins late, but 3hours of lateness! Aa.... I woke up early this morning, but my head n my body almost killed me. I just couldnt get up..Im okay, just fine. I dont need to see the doctor. Thanks. I wanna put a smile. and to smile again. Even just a fake one. I want my akarui life back! Im erasing the past. Goodbye to the moody-me. Its getting colderrr.. My lips chapped. badly. I wonder how do my other friends r doing in Russia, France. Itsnt it colder there? I think Tokyo just hit bout less than 10. The toilet water are like ice! I know they dont use water, but us? Aaaa....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

こんばんわ!ニアさん!初めてみてびっくりしまったね。こんなにブログをうまく作って。うらやましいなあ!私はずっと続けられなかった。何かを続けられるのは難しいと思うよ。ニアさんの生活について、思いについてよく見たね。後でまたここに遊びに来るね。 ー ユ