I paid Ikea Funabashi a visit last weekend. Masa naak pergi rasa macam tak sampai-sampai. It was nowhere near my house. One hour plus pergi, balik tak terasa sebab dah happy. ^-^"
I am more interested in spending time hanging around the kitchen area and pretend like it's mine. We've ( me n Iman back then) always found a nice kitchen to just take pictures and have our own 'cooking' hour.
It's every girl's dream to have nice set of cutleries, pots and pans.. I wonder if I should get them in Japan. Not Ikea's but some good sets in Japan might last for decades and I don't have to get new sets when I have my own family the future. My mom brought hers all the way from the States and they look exactly the same and stayed strong with us for the past 20 years!
I'll have pretty looking kitchen better than this. Clean, and sparkling! Hihi^_^* there's nothing wrong with having a good imagination and dream.