
Thursday, December 24, 2009


-COACH-DIE-HARD- I cant believe I had a post about this bag. Now, am I a proud owner of it? Hmm.. Maher Zain Awaken Lyrics

We were given so many prizes We changed the desert into oasis We built buildings of different lengths and sizes And we felt so very satisfied

We bought and bought We couldn’t stop buying We gave charity to the poor ’cause We couldn’t stand their crying We thought we paid our dues But in fact To ourselves we’re just lying

Oh…I’m walking with my head lowered in shame from my place I’m walking with my head lowered from my race Yes it’s easy to blame everything on the west When in fact all focus should be on ourselves

We were told what to buy and we’d bought We went to London, Paris and Costa del Sol We made show we were seen in the most exlusive shops Yes we felt so very satisfied

We felt our money gave us infinite power We forgot to teach our children about history and honor We didn’t have any time to lose When we were.. (were) So busy feeling so satisfied

I’m walking with my head lowered in shame from my place I’m walking with my head lowered from my race Yes it’s easy to blame everything on the west When in fact all focus should be on ourselves

We became the visuals without a soul despite the heat Our homes felt so empty and cold To fill the emptiness We bought and bought Maybe all the fancy cars And bling will make us feel satisfied

My dear brother and sister It’s time to change inside Open your eyes Don’t throw away what’s right aside Before the day comes When there’s nowhere to run and hide Now ask yourself ’cause Allah’s watching you

Is He satisfied? Is Allah satisfied? Is Allah satisfied? Is Allah satisfied?

Oh..I’m walking with my head lowered in shame from my place I’m walking with my head lowered from my race Yes it’s easy to blame everything on the west When in fact all focus should be on ourselves


I am asking my self. Am I really satisfied? Is Allah satisfied?

You know the obvious answer for this.

Friday, December 18, 2009

Salam Maal HIjrah

Seringkali kita terfikir, bagaimana mulia dan bersihnya hati Nabi, tetap senyum bila dibenci, tetap tenang bila dimusuhi, tetap membantu walau disakiti, tetap menyeru walau diusir pergi.... Kenapa kita mudah membenci bila dikasari, mudah putus asa bila yang dilakukan tak menjadi, mudah kecewa bila orang lain tak memahami, mudah terguris bila dilukai...... Ayuh kita tarbiah diri, agar segala yang indah menghiasi peribadi, kerana qudwah kita adalah Nabi,itulah sifat hamba Allah yang hakiki SALAM MAAL HIJRAH 1431

Friday, December 04, 2009

Love always wins.

Its my love to The Almighty.
My love to my mother, my father, my family, and my dearest ones. Until I get myself a husband, my love will be for him as well.
Don't tell me that love hurts. Then, you know nothing about love. Its like a boxing fight where you always want to win. You keep on fighting, till you get hurt. But love will win you over. Give in to love, than you will know the meaning of loving others.
Love for the sake of The Most Loving.
We will die. But not the relationship. Especially the relationship of aqeedah that bounds us forever. If you Love, based purely on nafs, then you'll face the consequences. Do not blame other for thy own mistakes. I love you, because of Allah. Whoever you are, wherever you are.

Tuesday, December 01, 2009


Yuko is a name given to me by my friend Yoshihito, when I told him the meaning of my name, Nadiah.
Nadiah- has different meaning in different languages. For example,
Arabic name meaning "delicate, tender", " the beginning, first", and "Honourable".
I read somewhere that the name also means, "one who brings loyalty"(pembawa kesetiaan)", which leads to the meaning, "helper". English form of French, Slavic, Russian, meaning "hope."
"One who is full of hope."
and African meaning of the name Nadia, is "caller".
So many meaning in a name, yet to be fulfilled. As a bearer of this name, I can feel the responsibility that comes with it. ^-^" So, whats with Yuko?
役者(one who play a part) ・ やさしい (tender-hearted)・ しとやか(graceful)    のびやか ・ すぐれる(excellent)・まさる(excel, surpass)・ ゆたか(abundant, rich of)
-Ko means, child. But the kanji it self means the first and the last.
I like the name. I really do. ^-^*